Friday, 22 April 2011

Mission Rescue Day Five

What a fantastic week we've had! We've sang, danced, made crafts, learnt lots about God and his amazing rescue plan, and had lots of fun too!

Today Agent J and Agent K read out letters from the 'Dead Letter Drop'. There some funny jokes and lots of coded messages. Agent J and K then raced each other up and down the hall. It was so funny!

Agent T told us about how God did great things for the children of God. He told them not to be afraid and parted the Red Sea so that they could escape from the evil Pharaoh. Moses lift up his stick and the sea parted. All of the children of God passed over on dry land. But when the Eygptians tried, the sea joined together again. God is so awesome! Agent T then asked us what other great things God has done. We told him that God sent Jesus and he did lots of great things like miracles and dying to save us.

We then had juice and biscuits at our tabes. Everybody went undercover and signed a presentation bible for Agent T. When we gave it to him to say thank you, he was really surprised. We had a such a good week. We can wait until the Family Fun Service on Sunday at 10am. There's going to be lots more singing and dancing, and lots more about our amazing God!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Mission Rescue Day Four

Oh my goodness! Agent K was there today! He eventually turned up! He was lost, but thank God he's been found. Agent J couldn't believe it!

We played a 'guess who' game with Agent J and K. It was so much fun. Agent Lou led us in an amazing aerobics workout. We were all completely puffed after it.

Today, Agent T taught us about a very special meal called the Passover. Jesus and his disciples had a Passover meal before he was betrayed. Jesus instructed his disciples to eat bread and drink wine in memory of him. It's called Holy Communion. We learnt that God's special meal is so that we remember his great love for us.

We sang 'God's not dead, he is alive' with Agents R and P. They are so good at singing and playing the piano. We also did our memory verse. Everyone is starting to remember it. It's "For by grace you have been saved....."

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Mission Rescue Day Three

Today was so much fun! Agent J read out some letters from the 'Dead Letter Drop' box. One of them was a joke - it was so funny!

Agent T taught us that God is in control. So we don't have to be afraid about anything! Moses was afraid to tell Pharaoh about God's plan. But God told him not to be afraid because he was with him. Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh "To let my people go!"

Agent Lou tired us out with another super aerobics work out! She's so fit! It's hard to keep up with her!

Agent K is still lost, but he's getting close. We've been looking out for him all week. Maybe he will make an appearance tomorrow!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Mission Rescue Day Two

We had so much fun at Going Bananas today. We did an aerobics workout with Agent Lou! She is a fitness fanatic!

Agent J received a top secret call and Agent K joined us by satellite link! He's still lost, but let's hope he's found soon.

Then we heard about how God spoke to Moses through the Burning Bush. The amazing thing was that, although the bush was on fire, it was not consumed. Agent T told us that God speaks to us today and that we can talk to him in prayer. How cool is that!

Agent P and and Agent R are teaching us a really good song about God and Moses. It's called 'Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Oh Oh'. Can't wait until tomorrow!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Mission Rescue Day One

Today at Going Bananas we had so much fun! We got off to a great start with lots of fun and singing. We met Agent J, but there was no sign of Agent K!

He's so funny! Agent T told us a really interesting story about baby Moses. Pharoah didn't sound like a very nice man though. He tried to kill all the baby Israelites. Thankfully God rescued Moses and he grew up to become an Egyptian Prince!

Our memory verse is "For by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God. Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 8.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Going Bananas 2011 is here!

Going Bananas 2011 is here! And we are going on a mission!

This year we become Secret Agents for the week, investigating clues, and cracking codes!

There will be lots of fun and games, songs and crazy leaders! We will be travelling back in time to ancient Egypt to learn about God from the story of Moses and the Israelites.

Cant wait to it starts! 7 days and counting!